March Club Meeting
Please join us for our March club meeting. We will hear from the new chair of the Oakland County Democratic Party (OCDP), former Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence.
Please join us for our March club meeting. We will hear from the new chair of the Oakland County Democratic Party (OCDP), former Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence.
Come dressed in your finest denim and pearls as the Oakland County Democratic Party highlights the incredible women who have made an impact in leadership and continue to pave the way for future generations. Enjoy a delicious brunch at a woman-owned restaurant while celebrating the power and resilience of women in leadership!
Purchase tickets at Oakland County Democratic Party (MI - Federal) — Donate via ActBlue. March 1 is the last date to purchase tickets. Questions? Contact Paige Holstine, Director of Operations at staff@ocdp.org or 248.972.6400.
Nominations are open for three prestigious awards: The Rising Young Woman Award, Exemplary Woman in Labor Force Award, and The Luminary Woman of Service Award. If you’d like to nominate someone for an award, click here.
U.S. Congresswoman Haley Stevens is hosting a town hall. She will be joined by State Senator Jeremy Moss and Oakland County Commissioner Brendan Johnson.
This event is free and open to the public; however, pre-registration is required at https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSdX1vIAB9uzd.../viewform. Space is limited and will be filled on a first-come, first served basis. Seating priority will be given to MI-11 constituents.
Congresswoman Stevens looks forward to seeing you and taking your questions!
Join us at the Michigan Democratic Party's 2025 Spring Convention. Constituency group caucuses will meet in the morning. All 13 congressional districts will caucus at 1 p.m. to elect new leadership, as well as members to the State Central Committee. We'll also elect a Chair and two Vice-Chairs to serve the State Central Committee. The convention itself will begin at 3 p.m.
You must have been a member of the MDP by January 23 in order to be eligible to vote at the convention. Precinct delegates, Democratic nominees and Democratic Elected Officials can register the day of the convention. The credentialing window will open on February 19 and this process will be handled through the VOATZ app.
More information about the upcoming State Convention can be found here.
Please join us for our February club meeting. We will hear from the two candidates for MDP char, Curtis Hertel and Al Williams. RSVP here. For a Zoom link if you cannot attend in person, register in advance here.
Monthly communications committee meeting. We will decide on a regular meeting date and whether to meet in person or virtually at this meeting. For information, contact Rachel Karp at rachelrkarp@yahoo.com
The Michigan Democratic Party is holding its 2025 Spring Convention on February 22, 2025. The Oakland County convention will be held in advance of the statewide meeting to elect Oakland County members to the state committees [Resolutions, Rules, Credentials] and to consider resolutions to be forwarded to the state party.
Registration will begin in person at 9:00 a.m. and continue until 10:00 a.m. Registration will close promptly at 10:00 a.m. You must be in line by 10:00 a.m. The convention will begin at 10:00 a.m.
Your MDP membership must have been renewed by January 9, 2025, in order to be eligible to vote at the county convention.*
*Precinct Delegates, Democratic elected officials and Democratic nominees to partisan offices residing in Oakland County may become members at the county convention.
The Club Executive Board meets via Zoom the first Thursday of each month.
Please join us for our first monthly club meeting of the new year. At this month’s meeting we will elect our new slate of officers:
Chair: Gary Shea
Vice Chair: Glenda Stainback
Vice Chair: Mary Ann Fontana
Secretary: Roz Shindler
Communications Officer: Rachel Karp
Treasurer: Heidi Coffman
OP Trustee: Zakiya Hollifield
HW Trustee: Laurie Lisi
Berkley Trustee: Brian Burnett
ROT Trustee: Dena Respress
OCDP Executive Committee:
Sharon Baseman
Mary Ann Fontana
Glenda Stainback
Cheryl Green
Wanda Anderson
Jessica Lumbreras
Gary Shea
Jeff Jenks
The Oakland County Executive Committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month. All are welcome to attend, however, you must be a member of the committee in order to vote. Please note that the location may be changing going forward.
The Oakland County Executive Committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month. All are welcome to attend, however, you must be a member of the committee in order to vote. Please note this December date may change, depending on when our holiday party will be.
Join us for our annual Holiday Party. We will have food from Pita Cafe and lots of good company.
Although there is no charge to attend, we are asking everyone to become a member of the club this month. Membership sign-ups for 2025 start in December 2024. To vote for the new DSOC board in January 2025, you must have been a DSOC member for 30 days before the election. JOIN NOW. While membership dues are not required, donations are greatly appreciated.
Click here to RSVP by email to let us know that you are coming to the party by this Friday, December 6th and indicate if you are bringing any guest(s) so that we can order the appropriate amount of food.
And as in previous years, we are asking members to bring a new unwrapped toy for the annual Toys for Tots drive.
The Club Executive Board meets the first Thursday of each month.
Monthly communications committee meeting. Meetings are held virtually. For information, contact Laurie Lisi at lisilaurenb@gmail.com.
The 11th Congressional District Democrats meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month. They typically meet at the Pipefitters Local 636, but will occasionally meet at a different location. Please pay attention to location in the weeks before each meeting.
Please join us for our monthly meeting. Stay tuned for details.
The Oakland County Executive Committee normally meets on the second Tuesday of the month, however, in accordance with Article 4 of the Rules of the Michigan Democratic Party, a post-election County Convention is to be held in every county within the state (except Wayne) within 20 days of November 5.
Monthly voter mobilization committee meeting. Meetings are held virtually. For information, contact Nikhol Atkins at nikholatkins@gmail.com or Catherine Wade at michiganallies@gmail.com.
To schedule an appointment to donate blood, visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter sponsor code: oakparkcc or call 1-800-RED Cross (1-800-733-2767).
Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting RedCrossBlood.org/RapidPass to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.
The Club Executive Board meets the first Thursday of each month.
Monthly communications committee meeting. Meetings are held virtually. For information, contact Laurie Lisi at lisilaurenb@gmail.com.
The DEI Committee meets every month on the fourth Thursday at 6:30pm.
If you have any questions or suggestions please contact Derryl L. Reed at derrylreed@ameritech.net - 586-214-5557.
The 11th Congressional District Democrats meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month. They typically meet at the Pipefitters Local 636, but will occasionally meet at a different location. Please pay attention to location in the weeks before each meeting.
Please join us for our monthly meeting. Stay tuned for details.
Monthly voter mobilization committee meeting. Meetings are held virtually. For information, contact Nikhol Atkins at nikholatkins@gmail.com or Catherine Wade at michiganallies@gmail.com.
The Oakland County Executive Committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month. All are welcome to attend, however, you must be a member of the committee in order to vote.
The Club Executive Board meets the first Thursday of each month.
Monthly communications committee meeting. Meetings are held virtually. For information, contact Laurie Lisi at lisilaurenb@gmail.com.
We need volunteers to help us deliver slate cards to 17,000 doors in our four cities starting September 28th. This will not require you to knock on the door to speak to the residents, but only to put a hanger on their front door.
We will need lots of people to get these cards onto people's doors. Absentee ballots go out toward the end of September, so we need to work as fast as we can. Please put this date on your calendar, and if you can help deliver door hangers to doors on the 28th or after, please fill out this google form. Many feet walking will make this job a piece of cake.
The DEI Committee meets every month on the fourth Thursday at 6:30pm.
If you have any questions or suggestions please contact Derryl L. Reed at derrylreed@ameritech.net - 586-214-5557.
The 11th Congressional District Democrats meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month. They typically meet at the Pipefitters Local 636, but will occasionally meet at a different location. Please pay attention to location in the weeks before each meeting.